Zen, Clear Water And Muddy Water

My law partner walked into my office a few years ago and announced that he had just had an amazing conversation. You won’t believe this, he began, but I just spoke to a guy who said he has no cell phone, no computer, and no idea what the Internet is, and this guy was bragging.  Well, my clientele… Continue reading Zen, Clear Water And Muddy Water

Zen Practice And the Ninth Fetter

The unenlightened mind suffers from agitation. A mind that is not agitated is a mind at rest. Although there are many techniques for quieting the mind, Buddha Name Recitation works for most people. The name Amitabha or Amituo Fo has a certain charm that brings feelings of peace and quiet to those who chant it. Dharma… Continue reading Zen Practice And the Ninth Fetter

Zen And The 4th and 5th Fetters

Sense desire is the fourth fetter and ill will or hatred is the fifth of the ten fetters. Thus we wonder why there are Five Hindrances and Ten Fetters. These fourth and fifth fetters are the same as the first two hindrances. According to the Pali canon, if we can break the first three fetters… Continue reading Zen And The 4th and 5th Fetters