As we work our way through the ten steps of the How To Practice Zen program, we will gradually begin to understand what the Augustinian monk Abraham of Santa Clara meant when he said: “He who dies before he dies does not die when he dies.” Abraham’s quote echoes the words of the Buddha: “All that… Continue reading The Goal Of Zen Practice
Category: Zazen
The Zen bunny that cooked itself
The story about the rabbit that cooked itself indicates that the rabbit was already enlightened when it did its famous (among those of us who read Jataka stories) deed. Although the term “Zen” is usually translated as “meditation,” the actual practice of sitting meditation is just part of Zen practice. Zen meditation is not the same thing… Continue reading The Zen bunny that cooked itself
Roshi Aitken, Zen Master
I decided to visit my sister in Hawaii for the first time in ten years and was determined to visit the Diamond Sangha at the Palolo Valley Zen Temple while there. Roshi Aitken, 93, was living on the premises and I got to see him on Sunday, August 1, 2010. His attendant brought him to… Continue reading Roshi Aitken, Zen Master
Zen Practice and Sakkaya Ditthi
Spirit Rock, pictured, is a Theravada practice center. However, we use Zen in its meaning of meditation and these practitioners are sitting in meditation. This is a copy of an email I received June 14, 2010 from the Contact Us page of the old static html How To Practice website, and my reply which I… Continue reading Zen Practice and Sakkaya Ditthi
Zen And The First Three Fetters
Sometimes we try to learn too much, too fast. That’s why it’s good to let the concept of sakkaya ditthi sink in for a long time. We need time to ponder the thought that we are not what we thought we were. How many people can hear the teaching of no self and grasp it… Continue reading Zen And The First Three Fetters
Practice Zen or Waste Time?
Entrance to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas One person quit our local Zen sitting group with the question: Why should I sit and torture myself when I could be out and about, having a good time? The question was posed by email, and this is the response I provided by email: Dharma Master Hsuan… Continue reading Practice Zen or Waste Time?
Rebirth of a Hillbilly #Zen
It is not hard to imagine that after we are dead and gone, some other life form will appear. After all, we appeared after Ben Franklin and a lot of other people were out of here. After we are gone, an earthworm will be born. So will a fish. And gazillions of bacteria and people… Continue reading Rebirth of a Hillbilly #Zen